Roblox gettouchingparts. I want more than that.

Roblox gettouchingparts. Parent local function snapAll() local mstaken = tick() for .

Roblox gettouchingparts Touched() event and the . There are several implementations of BasePart, the most common being Part and MeshPart. At that point you should look for alternative. I want more than that. Players. It then waits 10 seconds and the parts, decals, billboardguis go visible . But when I try, no matter how I yield, the function :GetTouchingParts() will always return an empty table. Buildings game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"). As an example, a concave/hollow part won't match queried parts within it unless they actually overlap/touch such a part. GetTouchingParts sadly only detects parts that are inside of the “hitbox”. TouchEnded didn’t even fore so there was a thing there even though it shouldn’t have been. Parent BasePart is an abstract base class for in-world objects that render and are physically simulated while in the Workspace. Dec 4, 2021 · I have been trying to figure this out for 5 days straight, making multiple threads with similar issues. PrimaryPart:GetTouchingParts())) -- Returns empty table Thing to note, PrimaryPart. CanCollide and . These methods allow us to check if two parts are intersecting and get a table of all the parts that are intersecting. My problem is that it’s not working, and I don’t know why. In Lua we can use the length operator which is denoted by the hash symbol (#) in order to ascertain the length of a table (the total number of entries within that table) as such if the length is 0 that would indicate that the returned table value is empty meaning that currently the Aug 2, 2024 · whats the difference between gettouchingparts and getpartsinpart? i’ve tried them both and they’re the same thing Dec 7, 2021 · Hello devs, So I am trying to use the function :GetTouchingParts() on a part of my sword called “Body”, which is the blade of my sword. Name = "Snaps" snaps. TouchEnded() event too but it did a lot of weird stuff like when i touched it and then jumped or something the touch ended event fired which isn’t supposed to happen and sometimes the . Table BasePart:GetTouchingParts() would be a method that returns all part that the BasePart is in contact with. player = game. ). Touched for the parts, but im saying GetTouchingParts() Only returns parts that collide with it, so if the character walks on a tile, its not going to return the part of the character that touched it because their feet are CanCollide false, if the Tile is CanCollide false then nothing can collide with it so that wouldnt work Apr 3, 2023 · GetTouchingParts() seems to rely on Roblox’s physics, just like the Touched event. Nov 12, 2021 · GetTouchingParts() returns a table of parts of which are currently touching the part the function was called on. CanCollide is set to false. 😭 I am trying to make a move that releases a sphere, any NPC or Character parts and decals inside the sphere turn invisible (transparency 1, tweened. The reason why I need this function is basically applying status to bricks that are touching the source bricks Feb 2, 2024 · Hey guys, so I am making an old-roblox like brick battle game, and I wanted to automate the welding. CanTouch May 5, 2019 · Hi. Here is what I have done so far. Dec 26, 2023 · Hello. This would include Mar 29, 2020 · You could use . What solutions have you tried so far? I’ve tried looking on the Developer Hub for solutions, but I didn’t find anything. With GetPartsInPart you can whitelist/blacklist any part you’d like using RaycastParams. OnServerInvoke = (function(player, itemName, location I can use gettouchingparts or findpartsinregion3 for both of these, but I have to code a little extra for findpartsinreigon3. Touched:Connect(function()end) local Touching = part:GetTouchingParts() Interest:Disconnect() GetTouchingParts in the Roblox Creator Documentation GetTouchingParts in the Roblox API Reference Mar 12, 2024 · I'm trying to make a client-side function where when triggered, it teleports the player to any player that is currently touching a spawn location, but I can't get it working. It has to be set to false as I’m using it in a placement system and if it’s set to true it collides with the player which is just frustrating. So, let me explain (again. Can you help me please? My game will never be Apr 5, 2021 · But why is the :GetTouchedParts not working? I did use the . ClientPlaced. So, I would like to know how to make a GetTouchingParts() which only detect parts which have a specific name. I have found that many people have problems with :GetTouchingParts() but I have tried many of their “Solutions” and none have worked. What is the issue? It doesn’t detect the parts of the character. Documented on the GetTouchingParts() page: If the part itself has CanCollide set to false, then this function will return an empty table UNLESS it has a TouchInterest (AKA: Something is connected to its Touched event). Jun 7, 2022 · GetTouchingParts does not return any instances unless the part is collidable, or a Touched event is instated. Did you check if the parts that are supposed to be detected by GetTouchingParts() have CanCollide on? Mar 24, 2019 · print(unpack(itemClone. Let’s say parts are anchored, so I can’t use Touched. I need some suggestions on how to detect the bricks that are having a contact with eachother. As noted, this spatial query method considers the exact volume occupied by the given part using a full geometric collision check. What is the differe… So I am making a shop in which I check if the player is in a certain area. I’m trying to print the table that this function (is it called a function by the way, if I’m wrong someone tell me, maybe I’ll look on google *Note to self) returns of the parts that the Feb 16, 2022 · I would like to make a script which detect how many parts named “Sphere” a specific part touch. Parent local function snapAll() local mstaken = tick() for Dec 26, 2023 · Hello. Oct 6, 2020 · GetTouchingParts can be expensive if used in RenderStepped, which can block the rendering of a frame, or used on a BasePart covering a large area. Can anyone explain this to me? Jun 14, 2021 · I was working on a game that relies on :GetTouchingParts() when it stopped working. Thank you. I have a part with CanCollide off and I have a GetTouchingParts function and it doesn’t detect it but when I add a . I had 2 parts with CanCollide intersect with each other, then I had… May 5, 2020 · So I don’t need any support really but I want some one to help me understand this. Returns a table of all parts that are physically interacting with this part. I did a test in a different place to see if something was happening. GetTouchingParts() make lag because it detect too many part (sometime 1000+ part) and after, It have to check how many parts have this name. If the part itself has CanCollide set to false, then this function returns an empty table unless the part has a TouchInterest object parented to it (meaning something is connected to its Touched event). Oct 30, 2023 · GetTouchingParts() not working? - Roblox Loading May 18, 2015 · I would like to propose two new methods for BaseParts to help speed up the development process and expand what we are currently able to do. My Issue is that I am trying to weld a block in my building game to parts that are surrounding and touching it but it does not Nov 26, 2020 · local items = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"). Although I have come across an issue with the “GetTouchingParts()” function. I would like some examples. Mar 23, 2020 · I was attempting to utilize something with :GetTouchingParts(), but I encountered while playing in Studio, that although the red part (seen above) is intersecting with the “slot” part, the print is showing that there are 0 touching parts. This is the Server Script: (Not the Feb 12, 2024 · Which should I use for a combat game mainly focused on player vs player? Apr 22, 2023 · Hello I am working on a plugin to weld ONLY touching parts on a selected model. new("Folder") snaps. The code: local temp = -15 local laserCount = 0 local temperatureGain = 1 local timeWait = 1 script. touched event to that part it starts detecting it even though it has CanCollide off. Personally, when I use this method, I do something like this: local Interest = part. Code: local rs = game:GetService("RunService") local snaps = Instance. (Yes the parts are anchored and yes the . They don’t move at all. alinaln (salad) October 12, 2020, 8:17am Sep 9, 2018 · The GetTouchingParts method looks for either can-collide parts or parts with TouchInterest. I know there are many other Topics similar to this so please try not to give me copy and paste answers from all of those. Hey guys, welcome back to another video! This time we discuss a brand new way to detect touching parts in Roblox Studio, which first went live back in August Aug 12, 2021 · Hello, I want to use :GetTouchingParts(), but I don’t understand how to use it. It originally was working fine until I decided that the code wasn’t running right so I modified it and since then it didn’t work. I’ve read the wiki already, and it states that this can be done if there’s a TouchInterest involved, however, I Feb 12, 2020 · What do you want to achieve? I’m trying to make a part detect if a player is standing on it and if it does it needs to change the team and respawn the player. This method can be used in place of BasePart:GetTouchingParts() and is generally a better choice. ) and billboard guis turn to false. Parent = script. ibhvch hpdawcr kzylv gdtb dyqg kkipx ynbq hlwyh nrl yardxtq