Reddit throat cancer. reReddit: Top posts of July 2020.

Reddit throat cancer Now, of that 7% about 1% will get throat cancer. Mine had spread to lymph node in my neck, which is how it got diagnosed because of the lump there. Michael Douglass got throat cancer from HPV and did big work to raise awareness. He had a feeding tube (g tube) installed 2 weeks ago and his body has not been tolerating it very well (which is why he's still in hospital). reReddit: Top posts of July 28, 2020. I likely have LPR (throat reflux) and I have constant hoarseness, feeling like I need to clear my throat, throat cough and feeling I can’t breathe. I walked out to my condo pool one day 18 years ago and there she was staring up at me. He's at risk for aspirating every time he eats if he can't swallow correctly. If you want to have a diagnosis, get a referral to see a GI specialist and request an endoscopy +biopsy of your esophagus. It's great that you are doing what you can to be there for your Dad. I admit I believe everything I see from Dr Google, bad habits I know. I've read some experience ear related issues? Did it start as a sore throat? Experienced dry throat? I had lymphoma not long ago, multiple tumors in the neck area and went into remission about 2 years ago. I started radiation treatment just before Christmas and did 6 weeks of daily radiation. We have been testing her for a few weeks for what they thought was an upper respiratory infection. Keep in mind: just because cancer is in a location doesn't mean it's that type of cancer. My brain instantly goes to some sort of cancer. Read on to learn major symptoms, causes, and treatment options. He has 7 radiation sessions left. I was given the all clear October 2023, and still have regular checks. If you have a local chapter of the American Cancer Society, they may be able to point you towards local resources and things like support groups I had 2 partial glossectomies, 2 partial neck dissections, 35 rounds of radiation and 6 rounds of chemo all for oral squamous carcinoma. She gets so excited at bed time and sleeps between my wife and I. My uncle died of esophageal cancer in his throat. The past month, I’ve had the feeling that something is stuck in my throat along with soreness and heartburn. Last year about this time actually, I was diagnosed with throat cancer from hpv and they couldn't find the primary. Most Deaths In Young Adults Aren't Cancer - Not Positive for head/neck cancer, which resulted in a whole OTHER level of tests which included PET scan and a couple robotic throat biopsy surgeries looking for the primary tumor. My cancer was in a lymph node, but not lymphoma. My father (73) is wanting to discontinue treatment for throat cancer. those are my symptoms Post nasal drip can cause serious sore throat, sore throat causes you to not eat properly which causes weight loss. I’m 40 and female. I’m scared i have throat cancer. Is the good news that the doctor said hpv throat cancer is easier to treat? My immediate thought when feeling it was "ok it's throat cancer", and it unlocked a new fear. My oncologist seems great - very candid and upfront about what to expect. Throat cancer My dad has been diagnosed with cancer in oesophagus and its been a year since he’s on chemotherapy. Well it says hpv throat cancer causes symptoms like swollen lymph nodes and swollen tonsils, I have big hard lumps in my lymph nodes and swollen tonsils. I was told today she has throat I'm an oncology nurse who works with ENT (ear, nose, throat) patients regularly and this is honestly likely above Reddit's paygrade, especially if he has lost significant weight. What was everyone’s early throat cancer symptoms that sent you in to be checked? No symptoms. They said it couldn’t be operated because there’s a risk of puncture in his wind pipe. Lastly is that the vast majority of reddit users are younger then the usual population that gets cancer, so often the cancer diagnosis you see on reddit will be a lot younger then what you would expect from a cancer diagnosis. . I drank water in hopes that it would help, but it irritated my throat even more. Nasal congestion. I understand your fears, and I know fears of HPV are particularly strong before we all get educated. My grandpa has throat cancer. I obviously went into a spiral of googling every symptoms before going to the doctor. Don't worry about throat cancer. On Jan 29 they declared me cancer free for now. He has been hospitalized for nearly 3 weeks now because he cannot swallow even a sip of water. They have lots of information and resources. i have such bad anxiety that I feel like I still have cancer but I’ve been diagnosed with a dental abscess which can cause sore throat, jaw, neck, super swollen lymph nodes, and a feeling like something is stuck in your throat. reReddit: Top posts of July 2020. Jaw pain. Ear pain. So 1960 will get throat cancer. with my condition that heightens the risk. Its safe to say that reddit does not represent the general population. She's been my best friend ever since and never leaves my side. Hello i’m 19 and female and for the past maybe 6 months ive had weird mild sore throats that come and go, kind of like a burning sensation. Were the swollen lymph nodes on the sides of your neck? Yes, I only had one swollen node, right under my jaw. This week I have started getting more symptoms that are pointing the finger to throat cancer. I had a swollen lymph node that I just happened to notice and pointed out to my doctor. Rarely i will get a sharp pain in my left ear. He is about halfway through his treatments and his throat hurts, it hurts to swallow it hurts to talk it just hurts period. Breathing problems/chest heaviness. Treatment was quite an experience, but you know it has to be done. If your ENT thought you had throat cancer, they’d not be asking you to return in a few months. However, throat cancer is apparently very rare, especially in people who don't use tobacco. For the past 3 weeks I have had a feeling that something is stuck in the back of my throat. Maybe check out the Throat Cancer Foundation. They CAUSE cancer. Good morning everyone, i just need to tell this story so please bare with me. Having an endoscopy in a few weeks. Even if the unusual feeling area is cancer, with modern cancer treatment this is very unlikely and successful treatment is getting better every year. It felt like a hard pebble under the skin. Head Over time, it can damage the wall of the oesophagus, causing a condition called Barrett’s Oesophagus. Anyone here having health anxiety about throat cancer? Reddit . The back of my throat and my sinuses get sore especially at night (but I have no sniffles or anything) and my throat + sinuses feel pressure sometimes. This will assess if there are damages in your throat or a polype. Many have feared that the soreness or unusual feeling in their Head & neck Area is cancer and assumed they are going to die. I looked it up, and I have many symptoms of throat cancer. Hi all, (40f) I’ve been through some terrible medical things over the last years and while I’m okay, it has given me health anxiety. Oct 28, 2024 ยท Throat cancer refers to cancer of the voice box, vocal cords, and other parts of the throat. Get your vaxx and read up more on STIs. Cervical cancer in people who contract it cervically, and throat cancer in people who contract it orally. Today, I ate breakfast, went to use the bathroom, then came out with really bad throat pain. Even if there were HPV throat cancer survivors here, asking them to share their survival stories to allay your paranoia is not cool. at this point I don’t know if it’s throat cancer, lymphoma -as she was asking if I have anymore lymph nodes up, spread from somewhere else or benign . They caught it pretty early and they have given him a 90% chance that it will be resolved with radiation therapy. My doctor mentioned throat cancer becoming more common in younger people. Reddit . So I'm not sure what the good news is as it still sounds like I may have cancer. Persistent on and off throat pain. All cancers are different, ie where exactly and when diagnosed. Throat issues are 10/1 either allergies or stress. I’m guessing within a month I should have an answer. Cancer can be such a roller coaster. Im not sure what his symptoms were, but i do know he mentioned that what caused his more likely than not, was chronic acid reflux, so if you have that, get it checked out for sure. What other symptoms do you have? Did you have a cold/flu a month ago before this all started? When did you stop smoking? I say you treat the sore throat and get enough rest to promote healing. So in the 2,800,000, around 196,000 will get Barrett’s. Sometimes it gets really bad, but my strep and flu test come back negative all the time. He told me I had a pharyngitis (a cold basically) and that the back of my throat was swollen as a result of a viral infection, causing the weird feeling. I even went to the ER for this once and asthma was ruled out. I’m terrified I’ve created permanent damage. It's very very rare and can be treated without chemo if detected early enough. It affects only 7% of people born with my condition. It went from stage 2 to stage 4 in 11 weeks. Scans every 6 months have been clear but havin multiple issues that suggest throat cancer. Those of you with throat cancer behind you, what advice would give someone about to begin radiation treatment? I was diagnosed about 10 days ago, and I start 7 weeks of radiation treatment next week. lpwobv izqf mpabn jpct kbpjt zwexg xjuonyb qzm firyb witanq