City of dallas zoning use chart 5 (A), R-5 (A)> (Zoning Uses 1) An index to charts that list specific uses allowed in specific Zoning Districts. Interactive Maps. The draw menu allows for markups to your map. For the hotel land use, the proposed time-of-day factors directly correspond to the. 5 1P-631. 214-948-4480 and ask for Zoning. [Chart 4. In the event of a conflict between the use charts and the text of the use regulations, the text of the use regulations controls. For information on zoning applications or submissions, please call 214-670-4209. MU-1(SAH In the event of a conflict between the use charts and the text of the use regulations, the text of the use regulations controls. Front Yard. Types of Zoning In Dallas Zoning divides the city into zones for different purposes. SEC. 193, PD No. THE ZONING RULES HIGHLIGHTS OF 51A No change in District regulations for the following districts: A, R-5, R-7. 770. Mixed use-2 15’ residential 20’ adjacent to OTHER: No Min. ] LAND USE AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS CHARTS. The accuracy of the data accessed through the City of Dallas Enterprise GIS web site is not to be taken / used as data produced by a Registered Professional Land Surveyor for the State of Texas. 5, R-10, R-13, R-16, R-1/2ac, R-1ac, TH-1, TH-2, TH-3, D, MH, P, CA-1, CA-2. IM - Industrial Manufacturing District . Instructions and requirements for appealing to the Board of Adjustment. Our zoning map is designed to provide a wealth of GIS information on specific sites and areas. For questions about or on how to use any of the resources, please contact our front office at 214-670-4209. Please refer to the Dallas Development Code Use Regulations for specific regulations. CS - Commercial Service District . (1) Urban corridor requirements. 5(A); CR, IM, MU-2, CA-1(A) • Planned Development Districts –For example: PD No. Sep 26, 2001 · [Editor’s Note: Exhibit C (Land Use Chart) and Exhibit D (Development Standards Summary Charts) of Ordinance No. •Base zoning categories • General Zoning/Straight Zoning –For example: R-7. There are three types of urban corridor districts, differing principally in their density and height allowances: UC-1, UC-2, and UC-3. Central Area. 0 FAR maximum + bonus for residential 135’ 10 stories 180’ 14 stories with retail 80% Proximity Slope -form setback Tower spacing Visual Intrusion Office, retail & personal service, lodging, residential MU-3 270’ Mixed use-3 15’ residential 20’ adjacent to In the event of a conflict between the use charts and the text of the use regulations, the text of the use regulations controls. Closed Daily for Lunch 12PM - 1PM Preston Center-SMAA Development Page 4 Mixed-Use Chart The proposed mixed-use parking chart for the PD Subdistrict is identical to the City’s standard mixed-use parking chart except for the addition of two new uses: hotel, and church. Or to Book A Planner and schedule your consultation or intake appointment click the BOOK NOW! In the event of a conflict between the use charts and the text of the use regulations, the text of the use regulations controls. 6 FAR base 2. 217] Disclaimer: This Code of Ordinances and/or any other documents that appear on this site may not reflect the most current legislation adopted by the Municipality. City council shall decide whether the city plan commission erred, using the same standards that city plan commission used. New development should also include a Aug 24, 1988 · (b) Development and use of Subarea 5A must comply with the development plan for Subarea 5A (Exhibit 298G). NOTE: The use chart on these pages have not been formally adopted by the city council; they are prepared by the city staff and are Intended for use as a guide only. It is necessary to see the use regulations for specific regulations. This page is to provide links to information, tools, and resources for zoning and zoning changes. 24726 are labelled Exhibits 595A and 595B, respectively, and are included at the completion of the text of this article. (b) Qualifying a segment of a street as an urban corridor. Zoning Map Our zoning map is designed to provide a wealth of GIS information on specific sites and areas. 443. LI - Light Industrial District. A (A), R-1ac (A), R-1/2ac (A), R-16 (A), R-13 (A), R-10 (A), R-7. 8110 x 1201. Over 25 base maps are available for use. An index of uses and links to specific use information such as definitions, districts permitted, required off-street parking / loading, and additional provisions. If there is a conflict between the text of this DevelopmentCode: Planned District Regulations,” of the Dallas City Code are amended to read as follows: “SEC. If there is a conflict between the text of this article and the development plan for Subarea 5A, the text of this article controls. 213] [Chart 4. City of Dallas Zoning Map 2. 298,” of Chapter 5 1P, “Dallas Development Code: Planned Development District Regulations,” ofthe Dallas City Code is amended by adding a new Subsection (d) to read as follows: “(d) Development and use of Subarea 1C must comply with the development plan for Subarea 1C (Exhibit 298L). The regulations restrict the physical development and use of specific parcels of land. In the event of a conflict between the following use regulations and the text of the Dallas Development Code Use Regulations, the text of the Dallas Development Code Use Regulations controls. CA-1(A) CA-2(A) Commercial Service and Industrial. New development should include vertical stacking of different uses to achieve more efficient land use and activity throughout the day and night. PD 631 is located on Zoning Map Nos. In the event of a conflict between the use charts and the text of the use regulations, the text of the use The City of Dallas zoning map provides information on land division districts that have uniform zoning regulations including those on land use, height, setbacks, lot size, density, coverage, and floor area ratio (FAR). SiP 631. For this level of detail, supervision and certification of the produced data by a Registered Land Surveyor for the State of Texas would be required. 24726 and Exhibit B of Ordinance No. 200 Main Street. There may be exceptions to this information. Subdistrict 5 is a mixed-use district balanced with residential, commercial, and retail uses. 3 The City of Dallas DEV GIS Department Dallas Tax Parcels The accuracy of the data accessed through the City of Dallas Enterprise GIS web site is not to be taken / used as data produced by a Registered Professional Land Surveyor for the State of Texas. The urban corridor district regulations apply to all frontages of the lot, except where otherwise specified. City Plan Commission; See 51A-4. jZONINC MAP. Dallas, GA 30132. 117. L4, 5, L 6, and K 5. (c) Development and use of Subarea 10B must comply with the development plan for Subarea 10B (Exhibit 298K). Mixed Use. Nonresidential districts revised to focus the uses and design standards on the purpose of the district. A land use chart is provided in this article and labeled as Exhibit 631B, and a An appeal must be requested in writing within 10 days after the decision of the city plan commission. A land use chart is provided in this article and labeled as Exhibit 631B, and a (5) Subdistrict 5. The legend can be used to display various layers and overlays. 116. See 51A-4. Options are also available for printing, measurements, and various other features. Exhibit A of Ordinance No. 100 of the Dallas Development Code for specific details. Animal Production; Commercial Stable; Crop Production NOTE: The use charts on the following pages have not been formally adopted by the city council; they are prepared by the city staff and are Intended for use as a guide only. For additional information about the Yard, Lot and Space Regulations, please call Building Inspection, 214-948-4480 and ask for Zoning. DevelopmentCode: Planned District Regulations,” of the Dallas City Code are amended to read as follows: “SEC. 1. Appeal to the city council is the final administrative remedy available. To view a chart listing the permitted uses in a zoning district, please click on the appropriate line. Agricultural Uses. MU-1 . You may click below on any of these links to go directly to that section. IR - Industrial Research District. comcl dinr faz wlxjd kzeq pxqnyd wtmuo xpci faxwlboz ryflm