
Create and configure a Virtual Machine (VM) for Windows and Linux on Azure

Create Linux and Windows virtual machines in seconds on Azure :

Lets assume that you have created your free Azure Account, this article will help you create a VM on Azure with a free account or any visual studio subscription you have.

If you don’t have a account – Create one ASAP and get access to 12 months of free services.

  • Login to and Sign-In with your account that you have. You must see the dashboard as shown below for the first time user, a regular user will have a different dashboard and can be customize

* Search for Vritual Machines on the left sidebar to open the VM Panel, Highlighted below

  • Click on Add or Create New VM to start the process of creating the Virutal Machine.

  • Select the Subscription.
  • Create a new Resource Group or Select a existing one.
  • Give your VM a Name.
  • Select the region where you want your VM to be hosted on.
  • Select the OS Image Templates on Azure ( Linux or Windows )
  • Select size of the VM.

  • Once you have selected a size according to the price, you need to define the admin credentials.
  • Setup the “Username & Password” for the admin account, NOTE: This will be your login credentials to the vm using Remote Desktop Connection.
  • In case you want to limit the network ports, you can certainly add them by selecting “Allow Selected Ports” and add them.
  • In case you have a Windows Licence, you can save up some money on the VM.
  • Once you have done filling these data, click on Next.

  • Select a “Disk Type” and click Next to continue.

  • You need to Create a Virtual Network or Select a existing network.
  • In case you may want to access the VM using a IP Address which is not changing for the network, that can be set up using the public IP, you need to create a new one or select an existing.
  • Once done, Click Next to continue.

  • You can set up the monitoring of the VM you are going to create from the “Management Tab”.
  • A Diagnostics storage account is Mandatory for creating a VM, Create a new account or Select an existing.
  • Once done, Click Next to continue.

  • Any Additional configurations, agents, scripts can be added to VM via Virutal Machine Extentions from this Guest config and Tags Tab.
  • Once done, Click Next to continue.

  • Lets go to “Review + Create“.
  • Review the given data, User credentials, IP, Resource group and then hit Create.
  • After 3-5 mins, the Virtual Machine is set up, and you can find that in the Virtual machine Tab.

Hooray!! You have finally learned how to create a Virutal Machine on Azure.

Hope this helps! 🙂

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