
Create A Digital Community In Azure Portal


Azure Digital Community (VNet) is a illustration of your individual community within the cloud. It’s a logical isolation of the Azure cloud devoted to your subscription

I’ll let you understand how to create a Digital Community (VNet) in azure step-by-step.

Step 1

Sign up to your Azure portal.

Step 2

Create Digital community. Click on create.

Create a Virtual Network in Azure Portal

Step 3

Choose Your Subscription Subsequent choose or create Assets group Title.

Subsequent Occasion Particulars create Digital Community Title and Area

Create a Virtual Network in Azure Portal

Step 4

Enter Your IP and Add subNet.

Create a Virtual Network in Azure Portal

Step 5

Create subnet Title and sub internet Handle Vary, click on Add Button.

Create a Virtual Network in Azure Portal

Step 6

Click on Subsequent Safety

Create a Virtual Network in Azure Portal

Step 7

Click on Subsequent Tag

Create a Virtual Network in Azure Portal

Step 8

Tags are metadata parts that you simply apply to your Azure sources. They’re key-value pairs that make it easier to determine sources based mostly on settings which can be related to your group.

Enter Tag Title

Create a Virtual Network in Azure Portal

Click on Subsequent + Evaluation + create 

Create a Virtual Network in Azure Portal

Step 9

Click on create 

Create a Virtual Network in Azure Portal

Efficiently created Digital Community 

Create a Virtual Network in Azure Portal


This text taught us create a Digital Community (VNet) in our azure portal. And in case you have any questions please contact me.


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